Never Underestimate the Power of Sharing your Faith

Y’all I’m back! It’s been a bit. I’ve been inconsistent writing here recently. I wish I had a valid excuse haha, but it really do be like that sometimes. College is busy man, and although I can find time for things like this, I sometimes don’t have the energy. Even though it is not Friday, I felt called to write today.

I am so in awe of God today guys! His presence is consistent. I’ve been sorting through some pretty big life decisions recently, and He has brought so much direction and peace. Over the past few weeks, I’ve found out where I’m working/living this summer and where I’ll be in the fall. I’m going to Australia for school in the fall! God has spoken Australia into my life, and I am currently seeing this plan unfold. He proves time and time again to me that He will bring his plans to life and completion: “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”- Philippians 1:6 NIV

I am so beyond grateful that I get this opportunity and that my mission field will be in Sydney in the fall. I am so excited for what God has in store for me there. I am also so grateful for my support group of friends and family sending me off so well with love. They make it hard to leave, because I will miss them so much, but their support means the world. That’s one of the biggest life updates I have for y’all, but I did want to write today about how God has been meeting me in my life right now on campus.

I have seen such a big heart change in me this semester compared to last semester. God has been helping me adjust to my new life in the cities, and I see Him providing peace and rest in the now. I am learning how to be content where I am at and to put myself out there. I am just now figuring out what it truly means to embrace where you are at. Last semester, I felt like I wasn’t trying. I wasn’t content, so I didn’t feel like trying. I kept running back to things in my past that felt familiar to me because I was too stubborn to try new things. I am just now making new friends, branching out, and finding myself here. It makes me grieve the time I wasted last semester being so stubborn and lonely. I isolated myself and then complained about feeling isolated. My heart was so guarded that I didn’t see a way out. I didn’t see fully the life God had for me up here. I am starting to see it now, and guys, it is so beautiful. He has such big plans for me up here that I can’t even fathom. I am seeing the steps as they come, and I can only be so excited for what’s to come for the rest of school and after I am done with school.

Some advice I have for college students or soon to be college students: It’s going to be hard right away. The first semester may be full of growing pains that feel like they aren’t going to go away. It can be lonely, painful, and grief will be present. All of the “new” can be exciting but at the same time overwhelming. You will most likely miss home like crazy if you’re anything like me. Not only missing being with the people that love and know you, but missing everything that was familiar back home. It didn’t feel “right” or comfortable being away from home, especially after the pandemic and how my specific transition into college went. It may feel empty right away. I encourage you, do not fill those empty feelings with temporary fixes. Do not turn to alcohol, partying, sex, fake friendships just to fill that emptiness. Assess why you have those cravings for more. I promise you, those feelings will settle to a certain extent eventually, but that doesn’t just happen. It takes work and discipline, but it is so worth it. It’s worth it to have at least one friend to laugh with during a lecture, it’s worth it to have that person to text when you need help with an assignment, it’s worth it to have plans to go get coffee or lunch with someone to get to know them. Those things will come with time. It is a time to learn about yourself, but it is also a time to learn how to make true connections and relationships. It does break my heart a little bit that I am just finding the joys of college as I am leaving to go abroad and coming back to graduate soon. That’s ok. My experience and track of college is beautifully unique and is the path that God has me on. I know that getting the “perfect” college experience does not exactly exist but also does not need to be the reason for my happiness during this period in my life.

There are little moments recently where I see God using me up here that make this whole experience feel worth it. A while back last semester I volunteered with my church at the US Bank Stadium for a Vikings game. When I was there, I was told that I would be helping fans check in at the front entrance. I was separated from the friends that I was with and placed at one of the busiest sections. I was overwhelmed because it was my first time volunteering at an event like this, and I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t feel anywhere near qualified to be there. Luckily, I had this older women at my station to help me out. She had been volunteering at the stadium for a while now, so she was familiar with protocol. She taught me how to scan tickets and gave me some tips. Throughout the rest of the night, we began to chat about our lives, and I started to learn more about her. She eventually asked me about what I do on campus. I briefly mentioned that I was involved with a ministry on campus for college students. She wanted to know more about it, so she started asking me questions. She was curious. Now, when it comes to sharing the Gospel and my faith with strangers, I sometimes get a little nervous. I used to think sharing the Gospel had to be this mechanical and perfect thing, but that night, the Spirit flowed through me and provided for me. It was so natural. I shared about my faith and my experience with my church on campus. She was moved. I could tell that she was in a hard point in her life, and just her hearing about the hope of Jesus, I saw her light up. We eventually got away from the topic, and finished our work for the night. I said thank you to her and said goodbye, thinking I would never see this nice lady again. Now this was back in October for reference. Today while I was at my church on campus, I noticed half way through the service that that same women was sitting right in front of me! I was so shocked! I remember mentioning this church to her back in October, but I never would have guessed that she would have remembered and came to church! I was beyond delighted to see that journey unfold in front of my eyes. I kept looking over at her throughout the rest of the service and noticed that she looked exhausted, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I felt the Spirit call me over to her, so I moved from my seat to go sit by her. I said hello and asked if we could talk and if I could pray for her. At first, she hadn’t recognized me and was a little thrown back. I could tell she was timid. As the service ended I said to her, “Ma’am, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by approaching you. I just wanted to say hello. I don’t know if you remember me, but we had volunteered together at the stadium back in the fall.” She looked at me longer and the lightbulb clicked. “Maddie!” she exclaimed. We embraced and ended up talking for about 20 minutes about where she is at in her life. She admitted to me her current struggles which were beyond what I could even imagine. My heart felt so heavy to her, and I could tell she hadn’t had a genuine conversation with someone else for a very long time. I am so grateful that God brought me to her today. I ended up praying with her at the end of our conversation and told her that she has a family here and that she has people on her side. She cried in exhaustion and relief. I know that God is with her, and I am so grateful that He is such a good Father. To see God use me in someone’s life like that is insane to me. I can’t even fathom sometimes the grace and love He has. This is why I’m here. I’m here for those moments. I’m here to learn more about myself, to learn more about God and Jesus in the process of sanctification, and to hear other people’s stories. That lady’s life was so different than mine, but I felt connected to her. God brought us together that day in October and today. I might not get to see her again in my lifetime here, but I know that God is walking with her, and I could not ask for anything else. He’s incredible. The seeds that we get to plant are so powerful. Never underestimate the power of talking to someone about your faith, even if it’s a random stranger you think you will never see again. God uses us in those moments. Seize those moments and pray.

Yeah, I’m just so grateful that our God is a God of process. I love to see the fruit coming from this season and how God is using this season for my good and His Glory. You are seen. You are loved. Have a blessed week!


Comfort to Courage


Pray continuously