Comfort to Courage

I’m exhausted this week. It has been a very stressful week with school, and honestly, I cannot stop thinking about this semester being done soon. I’m trying to enjoy the time I have left up here because I know how limited my time is at this school, but this school year has been a lot. One of the hardest seasons overall for sure. To be so close to being home again is a bit distracting.

We are in a series at my college ministry right now called “Living the Dream.” The topic for this past Wednesday was moving from comfort to courage. They preached right out of Esther, which has one of my favorite stories in the Bible. One of the main questions of the night was, “What do you seek comfort in?” I automatically thought of my longing for this semester to be over and to be home again. I seek comfort in that. I know being at home feels more “comfortable.” I felt convicted because I knew one of my Esther moments was God calling me to the city, out of comfort to courage. He wanted me here. Giving up the comfort of being home, I had to give up a lot of control in my life. I know that I will be home again this summer for a short period of time, but then I am leaving again. If I get too comfortable being home, I will feel bitter leaving for Australia like I first felt when I moved to Minneapolis last fall. I have a habit of getting attached to the comfort that comes with staying in one place with people who are familiar. If I stay in this, I will be more hesitant to go where God is calling me in the future.

I remember when I was at summer camp right before I left for school. One of the nights during worship when someone prayed over me I remember hearing the words, “4:14 . . . your time is now.” At first, I was very confused and then I found the verse:

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” -Esther 4:14

Moving up to school and finishing my degree was my calling during this time. From even before my move, God was speaking to and encouraging me. He was giving me the strength to move on my calling. To see it all come together was beautiful. It was definitely a rocky process, but I am seeing the blessings. He brought me on the path I was on for the move up to Minneapolis.

My favorite part of the verse Esther 4:14 is that it shows that salvation of the Jews was not dependent on Esther because if she didn’t say anything to the king, “relief and deliverance for the Jews [would] arise from another place . . .” Salvation only comes through God. He does not need us, but when we move from comfort to courage, He uses us. We get to take part in the blessings if we take the invitation.

God has called me to courage up in the cities to bring about blessings. What I can do is step up and participate in these blessings, big and small. My Esther moment does not just have to be this move, it can be a way of living. I can carry this courage wherever I go.

I need to trust that I was brought where I am for such a time as this. God is an intentional God. He too meets you where you are at. We get the choice. Do we want to live in comfort? Or do we want to live in courage and faith that God will bring about blessings, that He will provide wherever we are?


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