week in the life: gone wrong, made right

This week I decided that I wanted to track a week in my life on campus to see how God is moving in my everyday life.


This morning I woke up with such peace. I was excited to get up and walk to church. This semester I have made the decision to attend a church on campus with faith that I will find peace where I’m at and close community. So far, I am seeing the fruit of peace from this decision, and I am so grateful. He has given me the boldness to know this is my place. It’s crazy how last semester I was so adamant about not going to this church. I was terrified of falling into the thought that I belonged here on campus. I didn’t want to belong here because I didn’t want to accept where I was at. Crazy, I know. Surrendering that to the Lord this semester, I feel lighter; I am steady where I am at and where I am going from here, even though I have no clue where that may be. I am learning to be present and work with what I was so graciously given. The Lord has been such a great and patient teacher for me in this season.

Currently, I am sitting in the hotel where service is, and I am planning to get some homework done. I just got out of service. The message today was out of Ephesians 6:10-20. the pastor spoke about what armor we are given to fight the very real enemy. Our armor includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes with readiness for the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. When are we to be strong in the Lord?- at ALL times. We always have access to him through prayer or supplication (asking for help by turning to God with questions related to our deepest needs and fears). These reminders always make me feel bold and ready for battle. We must come into every battle with the armor of truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, and peace. We fight with peace, and God is strong enough for any battle. Come on! We must be strong in Christ who has already faced and defeated the enemy’s best. We stand in the strength of Christ and not in our own strength. With this, my hope is secure. Satan can attempt to kill me, but he cannot take me with him, for I have eternity with Christ. Man, that just fills me up!!

After my homework session, which I should be getting to soon haha, I plan to treat myself to lunch before I walk to my Gospel 101 class. I will update later today on how the rest of the day went. It’s time to go to work.

Hey guys, sooooo it’s Friday afternoon right now. If this isn’t the perfect picture of college, I don’t know what it. There is never enough time. I wanted so badly to sit down and write intentionally everyday this week, but I was overbooked. Right now, my life feels full of busy work. Finding time to really commit to something I love to do like read or write becomes harder and harder as this semester goes on. I do feel at peace in my soul, but I do wish that my weeks weren’t as hectic.

When I set the goal on Sunday to write a little bit everyday, I was so excited. When I found out how unattainable it was, I was a little hard on myself at first. It’s hard when you can’t reach a goal, especially if it’s a healthy or fun goal. I heard recently heard that when you don’t reach a goal, it is important to do an autopsy. What that means is digesting why you didn’t reach your goal in specific. For me, it was that I simply didn’t have time to. No I probably could have squeezed in time everyday to write, but it wouldn’t have been intentional. I wouldn’t enjoy it. This week made me realize that in this stage, I don’t have as much time for these intentional and healthy things as I would like. What I can do after assessing this failed goal is process and determine what I am going to bring to God. Instead of being angry and discouraged, I’m glad I am able to analyze why I didn’t reach this goal and figure out how I want to carry myself moving forward. It was a great way to see where I am at with things. Maybe I’ll have more time to write in the future, but right now I will take what I can.



